wall art

Get your mum a specially made gift, get mum a personalised canvas print. They’re easy to personalise with your own photos so they’re perfect to give as a present for most occasions – or why not create one as a gift to yourself to liven up your home.

Canvas prints are produced by printing the required image onto a canvas material and then stretching this over a wooden frame. If you’re not keen on a simple canvas finish you can choose to have your custom canvas placed in a frame which can give it a more premium look.

Get a High Quality Canvas Print within 5-6 Business Days

You will find that most high quality canvas printing is done onto a cotton canvas. In some cases, a cheaper alternative is used but we would strongly advise that this is avoided. This type of canvas production is made by using an Inkjet printing process called Giclee to apply the graphics to your chosen material.

Better printers rely on inks that are rich in colour, dry quickly, and do not easily fade, even if the canvas is displayed in direct sun light. It is always worth spending a little more on a product that is produced using these high quality materials as nobody wants to give a gift that is going to deteriorate rapidly or show signs that an inferior process has been used.

Photo Canvas Print

Printing Quality Matters

In some cases, you may be able to find printers that offer very inexpensive canvas printing services. While you may be attracted to the lower costs of these discount services, there is a chance that you are sacrificing a higher quality of printing in order to save some money on the product.

Invest in some cheaper wall art and make a high quality poster from £7.95

When you are willing to invest a little more in your canvas printing, you will see a higher level of definition, which is worth the extra expense. Cheaper services will display a lower level of definition and will have pixelated spots where the printing quality fails. There is no reason to settle for a lower quality product when a higher quality product is not much more expensive in the long run. No matter whether you are buying the product for yourself or as a gift, you will be happier with your purchase knowing that it is made to last.

Wall Art By Wrappz


Take a look at the latest in high definition print technology, get any picture you like transferred onto robust, waterproof and scuff resistant aluminium. The must have wall art of 2016!
